Osteopathic Technique von E E Tucker | ISBN 9783936679069

Osteopathic Technique

von E E Tucker
Buchcover Osteopathic Technique | E E Tucker | EAN 9783936679069 | ISBN 3-936679-06-1 | ISBN 978-3-936679-06-9

Osteopathic Technique

von E E Tucker
Written from the perspective of an instructor of Osteopathic principles and technique, Tucker begins his work with a brief description of Osteopathic philosophy and reviews the fundamental concepts behind the techniques he describes. He discusses the importance of a thorough grasp of anatomy – what he calls rational (not descriptive) anatomy – as absolutely necessary to the application of osteopathic treatment. He describes many different treatment methods including soft tissue techniques. He discusses each region separately with the appropriate treatment for that region and also talks about the reasons behind some dysfunctions.