Analysis and computation of solid interfaces on the meso scale von Johannes Utzinger | ISBN 9783939432852

Analysis and computation of solid interfaces on the meso scale

von Johannes Utzinger
Buchcover Analysis and computation of solid interfaces on the meso scale | Johannes Utzinger | EAN 9783939432852 | ISBN 3-939432-85-7 | ISBN 978-3-939432-85-2

Analysis and computation of solid interfaces on the meso scale

von Johannes Utzinger
Abstract The present thesis is concerned with the simulation of the loading behavior of both hybrid lightweight structures and piezoelectric mesostructures, with a special focus on solid interfaces on the meso scale. Furthermore, an analytical review on bifurcation modes of continuum-interface problems is included. The inelastic interface behavior is characterized by elastoplastic, viscous, damaging and fatigue-motivated models. For related numerical computations, the Finite Element Method is applied. In this context, so-called interface elements play an important role. The simulation results are reflected by numerous examples which are partially correlated to experimental data.