The Innocents Abroad von Mark Twain | The New Pilgrims' Progress | ISBN 9783988288424

The Innocents Abroad

The New Pilgrims' Progress

von Mark Twain, herausgegeben von Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
Buchcover The Innocents Abroad | Mark Twain | EAN 9783988288424 | ISBN 3-98828-842-X | ISBN 978-3-98828-842-4

The Innocents Abroad

The New Pilgrims' Progress

von Mark Twain, herausgegeben von Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
It is Twain's travel diary, published in 1869. This trip took place in 1867 on the decommissioned warship „USS Quaker City“. The voyage led from New York via the Azores and was frequently interrupted by short-term land stays at the coastal cities of the Mediterranean, such as Gibraltar, Athens, Smyrna, Beirut, a railroad trip from Marseille to Paris for the World's Fair Paris 1867 and a railroad trip through Italy with Genoa, Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome and Naples. The book - written a good ten years before the first wave of immigration of political Zionism - gained particular fame for its description of the Holy Land. Gröls Classics - English Edition